Battery Park

Battery Park Façade Restoration


The Milford Properties consist of a cluster of high-rise apartments, nestled in the heart of Battery Park. Constructed in the 1980s, these brick façade buildings complement the vibrant Hudson River waterfront and offer the ultimate in luxury living. Several Milford properties totaling over 1,000 units, including 99 Battery, 200 Rector, and 380 Rector were in need of façade repair. Milford Management engaged the EDG team to perform façade inspections, prepare repair documentation, perform construction administration, and conduct Local Law 11 reporting.


As part of the New York City Local Law 11 façade inspection, EDG surveyed, inspected, and designed building-specific façade repairs for each high-rise structure, ranging from 25 to 44 stories tall. The maintenance and repair campaigns consisted of scaffold drops, coordinated rigging, identification of all deleterious conditions, and preparing plans and construction documents for contractor bidding and repair work. EDG managed and observed all work, from start through completion of each project.


Due to the waterfront location, EDG assessed leaking and replaced the existing sealant with modern materials to prevent water infiltration. Working hand-in-hand with Milford Management staff, our team provided recommendations for repair, construction schedules, and cost estimates for budgeting. EDG worked diligently to address concerns and streamline the project with the client and contractor, handling weather-related challenges and on-site conditions with minimal disruption to the tenants. Projects were completed on time and under budget.

Year Complete: 2018

Construction Cost: $800,000

Madison Avenue Storefront & Basement

Madison Avenue Commercial Renovation


On a prominent street corner in the Upper East Side, a property manager sought to reposition a ground floor space to attract new commercial and retail tenants. The project scope included a complete gut renovation and re-design of the 9,100 sq. ft. space, including the basement and entire retail storefront. EDG provided structural analysis, spatial studies, tenant-specific layouts, and full architectural and structural design services.


The existing building was extremely fortified, enclosing invaluable real estate and separating the interior from the street. EDG analyzed the load-bearing structures, discovering opportunities to reduce walls and open the floor up to the outside. Working within tight structural constraints, EDG enhanced customer experience by relocating stairs, introducing expansive windows, and optimizing floor layouts. The team supported the owner’s ongoing search for tenants, providing several renderings on quick turnaround, customized to individual commercial and retail prospects.


The re-imagined space at the intersection of Madison Avenue and East 80th Street draws pedestrians into an immersive environment that blends retail sales with a lifestyle embodying its products. With a distinct sensitivity to material design, brass and brown fiber cement finishes respond to the surrounding residential context. A new basement skylight and warm wood finishes create an airy, contemporary ambiance. Making the most of the existing configuration, the new commercial space breaks down barriers between interior and exterior, passerby and customer.

Construction Cost: $1.5 Million

North Shore Towers

North Shore Towers Restoration


North Shore Towers comprises three of the tallest structures in Queens. Rising well above the surrounding area, each tower is 34 floors and constructed on the highest point in the county. EDG was retained by North Shore Towers to conduct Local Law 11 inspections and reporting for the 110-acre community complex. Constructed in the 1970’s, the team discovered that all 2,352 balconies were in need of repair and set forth documenting conditions for restoration.


EDG initiated the large-scale project with comprehensive due diligence, reviewing all available records and site conditions. Running the project efficiently to reduce costs and limit disruption to tenants, the team emphasized tight coordination with team members, contractors, DOB, and North Shore Towers. Each of the towers required 69 scaffold drops and 2-3 drops per location, totaling approximately 500 drops. The restoration includes repairs to concrete balconies, eyebrows, minor brickwork, and railing installation. Due to the sheer size of the undertaking, it was critical to maintain precise tracking of documentation, DOB filings, and material quantities – all of which EDG managed through advanced on-site technology.


The comprehensive restorations improved safety and saved on long-term costs for the luxury community complex.

Vice President of Greenthal Property Sales, Linda D. Rappaport remarked, “As the main broker for the North Shore Towers and a resident myself, I’m grateful for the work EDG did on the building façades. Throughout the project, even when they were working on my own high-rise terrace, the team was conscientious, timely, and professional. The restored balconies and facades look great and better represent the ‘luxury community’ essence of our residences.”

Year Completed: 2018

Construction Cost: $10 Million