High-Rise Building Design

High-Rise Building Design


Having seen what EDG could do on other projects on the property, the client retained EDG to review the development potential of the site. A 13-story building currently exists on the site. The building is the shape of an E with a large yard, which forms the shape of a C, not visible from the street.


This project is near the top of the list of complicated projects, which EDG has grown to specialize in. EDG found that with improvement bonuses, up to 235,589 sq. ft. could be added to the site. This resulted in an additional 25 stories, for a total tower height of 37 stories. The new structure partially penetrates the three existing floors of retail and two cellars, requiring extensive coordination. In addition, a new separate entrance for the tower lobby needed to be provided.


Floor area bonuses require special permits, tied to relocation of subway entrances and other improvements, which needed to be assessed. Egress for the new tower was also carefully navigated through the existing egress stair towers. For wind and seismic loading, EDG designed an exterior structural support system which minimized the impact on the interior of the existing structure. Upon completion of our work, EDG worked with the client and CMs to prepare preliminary cost estimates.